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Review and Interview
16 May 2024
by "AFX Radio London"
GIORGIO - The Voice of God
GIORGIO is an Artist, aerospace expert, electronic music producer, and DJ. He will exhibit in London 16th-18th May at The eARTh space gallery for an immersive audio-visual experience.
It's a profound journey into the depths of the human soul. At the heart of Giorgio’s artistic expression lies "The Voice of God," a composition that transcends traditional boundaries. This ethereal masterpiece captivates listeners with its haunting melodies and evocative harmonies, drawing them into a realm of introspection and wonder.
Giorgio’s immersive audio-visual performance adds a new dimension to "The Voice of God." Through captivating visuals and mesmerizing soundscapes, he creates an otherworldly experience that resonates with audiences on a profound level. As a composer, multi-instrumentalist, and visual artist, Giorgio is a true Renaissance man. His boundless creativity and innovative spirit continue to push the boundaries of artistic expression, inspiring audiences around the world.
In his world, the boundaries between the natural and supernatural blur. Through his art, he challenges conventional perceptions of reality, inviting listeners to explore the mystical realms of the unknown.
We met Giorgio in London for an interview
Hi Giorgio. What first inspired you to make your current audio-visual project?
Hi! It's a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to answer your questions. During the pandemic we have experienced an ever-increasing distance between reality and the everyday life we were used to. The world around us was changing, indeed, it had already changed and would never be the same again. This was underlined and aggravated by the ongoing climate changes, that remind us that every day that what surrounds us is a priceless gift but above all that we could wake up and lose all this, because of our destructive behavior and habits towards the environment and the planet that shelters us. The beauty of nature invites us to reflect on what we could lose and on the moments of loss of ourselves. The connection between the earthly and the otherworldly, the terrestrial and the extraterrestrial environment, the immanence of the nature surrounding us and the infinite distance of the boundaries of the cosmos, is emphasized by the one-to-one correspondence between the audio and video of my artwork/performance. It is therefore about the relationship between the real and the unreal, between the inner world and everything that surrounds us, between what is deeply in our unconscious Ego and deeply far away at the edges of the universe. These concepts entered my artistic and scientific research to create my artwork: an immersive Audio-Video performance with an experimental electronic music composition consisting entirely of real sounds from outer Space, and videos created from photos that were subsequently set in motion beyond reality. The real sounds from space are NASA recordings held by the University of IOWA in the USA. These recordings are transpositions of the electromagnetic fields of the stars, the Earth, black holes, intergalactic space, planets, the Moon and the Sun into sounds. A unique composition that reveals an Idea, namely "The Voice of God". A journey into the depths of the cosmos and into the meanders of one’s own soul. The Space exploration of outer space is the reflection of an introspective journey of self-discovery.
How do you come up with ideas for experimentation in visual and music?
My idea of the Artist is represented by an intellectual figure who plays a role in improving society and who should leave a better world following his passage on this planet. Not only in terms of the environment that surrounds him, but also in the souls of people. My idea have emerged from this vision. My goal is to create something that will lead those who enjoy my Art to take the path of intellectual and spiritual exploration, and I think it is the same as that of any artist: if just for a single moment a human being will go "beyond", he will escape from the prison of thoughts that daily routine locks us, my Art will find its realization.
Art is Freedom.
Describe your creative process when you write music for the visual.
Analysis, research, elaboration: that is my method. The idea comes from the message I want to convey, and this in turn comes from the studying the reality around us. The result is to accompany the listener to another "world", that through the physical sensations caused by the vibrations of the music leads to the belief that it is achievable.
My works, born from a primitive inner search, transform irrationality and loneliness into creative solutions guided by rational thought, often using concepts of Physics as a means of expression.
Tell us something about your professional journey so far and is there anything you’d like to say to your audience.
I am an audiovisual performer, aerospace expert, electronic music producer, multi-instrumentalist and DJ.
Music has always been a part of my life. It is not just a passion, but a part of my being and my life.
My music production ranges from experimental electronic to techno and ambient, and has been released on various international labels. My academic background in Aerospace Engineering at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome is combines with a deep exploration of sounds and artistic and humanistic concepts. I combine musical research with an investigation of the self and the world of the unconscious. As an audiovisual artist and live performer, I frequently participate in Art exhibitions, live Art festivals, and international conferences at universities. In 2022, I participated in the "Live Performers Meeting”, an international event on audiovisual Art in Rome.
On May 13 and 14, 2022, I delivered a speech at the fourth International Conference on Digital Culture and the Challenges of audiovisual Arts, organised by the Department of audiovisual Arts of the "University of lonio" in Corfu, Greece, and exhibited my artworks. Besides my artistic activity, I’m involved in the organization of events and big parties.
My philosophy of life is imbued with kindness, moral integrity, spiritual exploration, and artistic beauty, elements that deeply permeate my existence and my creative work. I believe that Freedom is the greatest value of our existence, the highest ideal that has been given to us: I want this Idea of Life to reach my audience and for them to pursue it for themselves and for other living beings.
What are some of the challenges you face as an artist in your specific field?
I think they're the same challenges that every artist has to face. The desire to reach as many people as possible with one's creations, of whatever kind, is undeniable, but this often leads to a leveling of artistic proposals, often resulting in a flattening and weakening, which leads to conforming to the trend and losing one's own soul in the search for a consensus. Remaining steadfast to one's ideas and expressing one's concepts through your art without submitting to the market, and remaining "marketable", is the true daily challenge of every artist since this word was born.
The comparison between artist and client (be it a curator of a gallery or a record label) must be fruitful: we must ensure that the general public is able to understand and appreciate even the most complicated artistic research.
Are you working on any new project or planning anything exciting that we can look forward to?
After my recent participation in the International Art Exhibition “Milan Art & Design Week” (by art curator Elena Ferrari), I will bring my AV performance “The Voice of God” to the Art gallery “The eARTh Space” (253 Hoxton Street , London) on May 16, 2024, where it will be on display as an audiovisual work until May 18.
Finally, I have many projects I'm working on, including an expressly musical one, my new album of Techno music inspired by a specific cinematic genre. I hope to be able to reveal more about it soon.
Thanks to the AFX blog for your attention to my research.
Sandro Giorgio aka Giorgio
Comunicato Stampa
7 Giugno 2022
di "ART News"
L’artista GIORGIO alla XXIII edizione del LPM Live Performers Meeting di Roma
Dopo i successi delle sue produzioni elettroniche con case discografiche negli USA e l’esposizione delle sue opere audiovisive alla Conferenza Internazionale sulle Arti e le Tecnologie e la cultura digitale, tenutasi alla “Ionian University” in Grecia, l’artista GIORGIO prenderà parte alla ventitreesima edizione del “Live Performance Meeting”, il meeting internazionale sulle arti audiovisive che si terrà dal 9 al 12 giugno a Roma al “Nuovo Cinema Aquila”.
La manifestazione cerca di riconoscere e ampliare ulteriormente le pratiche esistenti di performance audio-video dal vivo in un programma ampio e diversificato. Un think tank e una celebrazione delle arti performative audiovisive. Ci saranno aree di incontro dedicate all’interazione tra artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo, performance audiovisive sperimentali, spettacoli di mappatura architettonica, VJ-DJ set, workshop, conferenze, presentazioni e lanci di prodotti e hardware. Il Meeting promuove il movimento transnazionale e lo scambio di idee, opere d’arte e artisti.
Venerdì e Sabato 10 e 11 Giugno entrambi in notturna alle ore 2.00, vedremo GIORGIO cimentarsi in due DJ Set basati sulle sue creazioni di musica techno ed elettronica, molte delle quali inedite. Queste composizioni elettroniche sono plasmate dalla sensazione del desiderio umano di esplorazione, di rinascita interiore e di armonia: lo stesso desiderio di armonia che governa lo spazio siderale e il nostro Io profondo.
Domenica 12 giugno alle ore 21.20 ci presenterà invece una performance audio-video immersiva costituita da sue composizioni sonore inedite, totalmente composte con suoni reali provenienti dallo Spazio, registrazioni della NASA detenute dall’Università dell’IOWA negli USA. Tali registrazioni sono trasposizioni in suoni delle vibrazioni dei campi elettromagnetici delle stelle, della Terra, dei buchi neri, dello spazio intergalattico, dei pianeti, della Luna e del Sole. Da queste, GIORGIO ha creato composizioni uniche, rivelatrici di un’idea, ovvero la “Voce di Dio”, che ne dà il titolo all’opera (“The Voice Of God”).
Evocazione, simbolismo, ascetismo, trascendenza. Da una primitiva discesa nell’interiorità, l’obiettivo è riordinare l’irrazionalità e la solitudine, con un suono profondo e visionario. Un viaggio nelle profondità del cosmo e nei meandri della propria anima. L’esplorazione dello spazio come riflesso di un viaggio introspettivo alla scoperta di se stessi. Un intero universo interiorizzato, alla scoperta del proprio Io inconscio.
La parte visiva si compone di video creati da foto a cui è stato successivamente dato un movimento che trascende la realtà. Fotografie di soggetti reali, che prendono vita attraverso movimenti ciclici inaspettati, generando nuove forme, nuovi modi di interpretare la realtà, una nuova concezione del mondo che ci circonda. Natura e soprannaturale, realtà e irrealtà, vita e sogno, razionalità e irrazionalità, cambi di punto di vista, si mescolano con le sensazioni date dalla musica sperimentale, creando nuove sensazioni, nuovi concetti, nuovi mondi mentali.
Un’esperienza immersiva, un viaggio nei colori e nelle onde, nei suoni e nelle vibrazioni, nella materia e nella psiche.
Interview on "ONLY TECHNO" Magazine
Interview: GIORGIO01 September 2021
by Only Techno
Review: Giorgio – Renaissance [ Culprit ]
by Only Techno
GIORGIO is a multi-instrumentalist. Since he was 4 he studies music. He started learning piano. At the age of 11 he started learning clarinet and guitar. Since the age of 17 he is a deejay in several clubs of Rome in Italy. Several times his mixes have been broadcast on various radio stations all over the world. Now at 35 he produces Techno music under several international labels. His last release “Renaissance” is under the prestigious “Culprit” label of Los Angeles.
He combines musical research with the search for the ego and the unconscious world. Aerospace engineering expert, his sound is visionary and profound.
He often plans events and very big parties.
Hello! Thanks for your time.
Thank you!
As a multi-instrumentalist, how much do you think education is important as a musical background for a producer?
Although the creative process is personal and subjective, musical writing for electronic music does not differ from writing for other genres, except for the instruments and technology adopted. So yes, the study of metric structure, harmony, mastery of musical technique, are essential to obtain quality tracks. Jackson Pollock trained at the Academies and studied the canons of art before developing his own “dripping” technique and breaking all the rules.
How does your creative process start?
My creative process is quite extemporaneous, or rather, in my opinion, so it should be. Creation cannot be forced. When it starts it has to flow. Nothing else.
My music is often inspired by Space and looking for new worlds, a mirror of our inner worlds. I consider musical research as a search for one’s own unconscious and one’s deep self. I try to create evocative music, which acts as a bridge to new realities of the intellect, which frees the mind, which creates new sensations.
Hailing for Italy, how do you scene there changed over the years?
In Italy we have a strong legacy of Italo Dance, which, I think, will never die. Artists such as Gigi D’Agostino or Gabry Ponte are extremely rooted in the cultural fabric of Italy. They have made Italy great in the world, and continue to do so, but at the same time this legacy limits the evolution of electronic music in Italy, especially in some areas. The paradox is that the greatest DJs of techno music are Italian, but they are much more renowned in the world than in Italy. I am referring to artists like Joseph Capriati, Marco Carola, Markantonio, Enrico Sangiuliano, DJ Tennis, Tale Of Us, Marco Faraone and I could go on and on, who are known among Italian techno music fans, but almost totally unknown by the wider public.
We have a long way to go.
The reason for the interview is your new house & techno track released via Culprit LA. Tell us something more about the release. What was the idea behind it?
During the lockdown, I chose to spend my time not complaining but devoting it to creation, to focus on myself and the fundamental things in my life. I moved my horizons further, I decided to really aim high. It was time for me to discover myself, and probe my potential. Everything had been taken away from me, the gigs, the events, but the most precious thing was given to me: time.
Time is life.
Pandemic as a moment of inner rebirth, introspection, hence the name of my new release “Renaissance”. The definition of “renaissance” is a revival or rebirth, especially of culture and learning. A bright new life. An hope for all the people of the earth, at this moment.
I am a student of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Rome, this is reflected in my music in evocative sensations, of infinite space, of the journey towards infinity and deep within oneself, towards the very distant and in the deep unconscious. Music as a discovery, of new external and internal worlds, the search for oneself and for something that does not exist yet, but which is about to be created.
How are you satisfied with the feedback for “Renaissance” so far?
Given that it’s my first release with the Culprit label, I’m very pleased! Several international specialized magazines wrote excellent reviews. The track gets a lot of plays on Soundcloud and just a little over a month after its release it gets 20,000 streams on Spotify.
Tell us something about your collaboration with Culprit LA label
I have always loved the tendency to musical refinement in the choices of the Culprit label. It can be said that my “Renaissance” song was born inspired by Culprit label’s sound! Like all producers, I sent them my demo and after only 5 days I had their feedback: a sign of great professionalism.
What’s your opinion on the current livestreaming trend among DJs?
As always, what makes the difference is not the “what”, but the “how”: if our scope of work is art and culture, even a simple livestream should give a cultural contribution to the user, be technically and expressively of high quality. The rest is only attention-seeking behaviour.
Which artists had influence on you and why?
My musical education begins at the age of 5, and the encounter with classical music was enlightening. One above all, Johann Sebastian Bach: technical perfection becomes vehicle of strong expressiveness. Complicated musical forms at the service of emotions, which dig into the unconscious.
After all, as the famous Mauricio Kagel saying goes: “Not all musicians believe in God, but they all believe in Johann Sebastian Bach”!
Returning to the electronic music field, I have always been attracted to the two genres, hard techno and melodic techno, so artists like Jeff Mills, Joseph Capriati, Chris Liebing, Tale of Us and their Afterlife label, Paul Kalkbrenner or Luciano Cadenza for the evocative and transcendental sense of their musical writing, influenced me.
What is underground to you?
Underground for me is the escape from reality, from routine, from the prison that we have built for ourselves. Underground is the life under the skin, behind the untrue smile we have to give our boss, behind the fake life of social media and daily tasks. Underground is the spirituality of life and its celebration.
How would you describe current situation on global electronic scene?
Globally, I note a great excitement, probably also due to the covid situation that pushes artists to greater creative courage and a desire for artistic rebirth. Above all, what makes me very happy is to see many women becoming rightfully part of the world electronic music scene, women who write music, who travel the world with their DJ sets, who in many cases own their own record labels, being entrepreneurs and artists at same time! I think of Deborah De Luca, Nina Kravitz, Charlotte de Witte, Amelie Lens, Nicole Moudaber, Nastia, Blond:ish, Vanessa Sukowsky and I could go on and on. It is wonderful to see male hegemony overthrown and to have a dimension completely free (or almost free) from stereotypes.
Are you planning some new music and projects soon?
Yes, I have several new tracks in the pipeline. I hope to release an EP soon. Stay
Review on "ELECTRONIC GROOVE" Magazine
GIORGIO – Renaissance – Culprit
August 26, 2021
Axel Bray
Italian techno & ambient DJ/producer GIORGIO combines musical research with the search for the ego and the unconscious world. An aerospace engineering expert, his sound is visionary and profound, expansive yet familiar. His introspective works tend to reorder irrationality and solitude through creative solutions dominated by the rationality of thought using concepts found in physics. With releases on labels such as Lets Techno Records, Frame Workxx, Electrified Mindz, Jambalay, the enigmatic artist now joins the ranks over at the renowned Culprit label with his latest outing, ‘Renaissance’.
Included on Culprit’s ‘Above the City – Vol 6’ compilation, GIORGIO’s ‘Renaissance’ is one of the album’s most flashy moments, as he delivers a moving and enchanting bit of electronica. Prismatic throughout, the track finds GIORGIO in pursuit of bright neon synth lines that inject life into the cavernous bedrock upon which they run amok. Flavorful, ‘Renaissance’ maximizes tensions with the withdrawal of the gleaming arpeggios, revealing a powerful contrast that immediately makes us feel in need of them again. It’s that dose of unadulterated sugar that we have been left craving for.
A delicious bit of hard candy, ‘Renaissance’ is a playful addition to GIORGIO’s ever-expressive catalog, and further cements his buoying reputation as a creative mastermind. Reaching well beyond the confines of the dancefloor, ‘Renaissance’ grows on us like a subtle addiction that finds us reaching for one more go whenever it struts its sweet stuff around.
GIORGIO’s ‘Renaissance’ is out now via Culprit.
Review: Giorgio – Renaissance [ Culprit ]
by Only Techno
09 September 2021
“Renaissance” is a new release composed by GIORGIO, on “Above the City – Vol 6” Culprit label’s compilation.
This track is a cosmic excursion arranged for big room impact in the early hours. “Renaissance” starts off as masterfully executed bursts of white noise then its snowballing towards the brilliant climax.
Just after a minute and a half, the track takes the listener to another dimension, with a synth line spiraling into cosmic space and drums beating into oblivion. This is a track that brings the energy back down. The lead line will no-doubt create many memorable dancefloor moments or will be great to seize the night with the crowd after a big show.
All in all, “Renaissance” is a high-quality cut with hypnotic, peak-time vibe and set to be an epic songs for the end of the night.